Monday, December 13, 2010


 The evidence that can be used to support conclusions drawn in by the Analysis of Student Learning section with why some student did not meed the learning goals would be do to students lack of participation in the lesson or activities designed for this lesson. The instructor, however, will be working with the class guided students, and getting student to participate in the lesson, in-order for students to fully comprehend the five senses. 

The reason why students will not participate in the lesson, might be if the lesson was not engaging enough, or was not made interesting/ fun for the student, and was overall unsuccessful in engaging the student in their learning. For students who did like the lesson and found the lesson fun and interesting, will most likely participate in the lesson and activities, and will be able to work with the class. This is why it is important to make lessons engaging and fun for students.  

 The connection between learning goals, instruction, and assessment result with effective instruction, are important to analyze to help the educator understand what he or she change to make the lesson more effective for students. The data that demonstrates how well students comprehended the lesson, and help the instructor in changing the instructional input, and create a more effective lesson for students.

 The plausible ideas for redesigning learning goals, assessment, and instruction may be to create a more effective lesson that will allow students to reach a better understanding. I think during my lesson, I could incorporate another activity that can be done the next day, to help expand the students knowledge of their five senses. These modification can improve students learning, because changes will be done according to students needs, and what may work best for them. If there are different approaches that may promote a better understanding of the five senses, I would like to incorporate it into my lesson. When we as educators create or change our lessons, we need to keep our students in mind, and create a lesson that works best for them, and will help them learn best.

The professional learning goals that teachers need to take are goals towards creating a better well rounded lesson. I think students should be activity engaged in their learning, and there are specific steps that educators can do that will help them meet these goals.  These steps can be to incorporate more hands on actives, visuals, games, pretension, anything that allows students to be part of the lesson and part of their learning. As educators we are still learning how to create better lesson, or create better activities for our students. I think there is always room for improvement and there is always something that can be done to make a lesson more effective for students. Next time, I would allow students the opportunity to work with a partner, and discuss and list different things they see, smelled, touched, heard, and tasted during their day. The use of technology can be modified by having students create a list of things they heard, touched, smelled, saw, and tasted during their day. This can be done by having students create an on-line journal entry that they can write on and print.
I think with the new changes, I will be able to incorporate different activities that can follow this lesson or work with this lesson to help create a better well rounded lesson for my future students.

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